Museums and exhibitions
Museum Center Memory of the Mediterranean
Section: Prehistory Museum
The archaeological section narrates the history of the territory through ceramics found in the Grotta del Cavallo on Monte Inici, evidence of human presence in the cave from the Neolithic period. Fossils and ammonites found in the area complement these artifacts.
Section: Museum of Maritime Activities
The museum displays traditional systems of local fishing, the main economic activity of Castellammare del Golfo. It exhibits models of fishing boats, anchors, commercial Roman-era amphorae, and tools that illustrate the enduring connection between the village and the adjacent sea. Through instruments and photographs related to maritime activities, navigation, and tuna fishing, one can understand the sense of belonging and the importance of maritime economy for the community.
Section: Ethno-anthropological Museum of Productive Activities “Annalisa Buccellato”
Curated by the “Annalisa Buccellato” Foundation, this museum houses a valuable collection of everyday tools that keep alive the memory of peasant culture. It narrates ancient professions related to agriculture, such as tools for vine and olive cultivation, objects linked to artisan figures like the cobbler or blacksmith, and those related to fishing, providing a precious testimony of the symbiosis between humans and the territory.
Section: Madonna del Soccorso
This section is dedicated to the patron saint of Castellammare, Madonna del Soccorso, with archive images related to the traditional historical reenactment that takes place every year from August 19 to 21 through the streets of the city center.
Section: Cinema Museum
An exhibition of documents and photographs showcases various cinematic scenes in fiction, commercials, and internationally renowned films, where Castellammare served as a chosen setting, representing Sicily.
As of August 23, 2021, the Castle is currently under restoration, and only the Ethno-anthropological Museum of Productive Activities is accessible. Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM / 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Tel. 0924592555-092430217
Every first Sunday of the month, as established by the regional council for Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity and in line with the provisions of the Ministry of Culture, museums are open, and admission is free.