Caves of Custonaci

The Grotte di Scurati (Caves of Scurati) are a very valuable geo-anthropological testimony of this territory: they are in fact an ancient prehistoric settlement and speleological geosite.
These caves, with their exceptional morphology and their prehistoric evidence, testify to the long history of these places and their population.
Located near the hamlet of Scurati in the municipality of Custonaci, the homonymous complex of caves bears witness to traces of human life dating back to the Upper Palaeolithic.
There are a total of nine caves: some of them are located inside the Monte Cofano Oriented Nature Reserve: Mangiapane, Buffa, del Crocifisso, Miceli, Cufuni, della Clava, Maria Santissima, Abisso del Purgatorio, and the Grotta Rumena(Romanian cave), recognized as geosite of world interest.