Submerged museums: archeology and diving

Submerged museums: archeology and diving Submerged museums: archeology and diving
The seabeds in the west of Sicily are exceptional, offering amazing diving experiences.
However, for enthusiasts, the Itinerari Archeologici Subacquei (Underwater Archaeology Routes) – which enable you to view wrecks and finds on the seabed up close – are an absolute must.

There are several routes, with different characteristics, depths and degrees of difficulty, including Cala Gadir in Pantelleria, the submerged port of Capo Boeo in Marsala and the wrecks of San Vito Lo Capo.

At Cala Minnola in Levanzo, a late-republican wreck loaded with wine amphorae and an underwater route through its depths will take you on a voyage of discovery through the wonders of history.

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Diving: A "walk" in underwater museums

Western Sicily has something unique that deserves to be experienced firsthand: diving to discover the visitable wrecks that lie on the bottom of the sea in places of high landscape and naturalistic value, conferred by the presence of local fauna and flora.

Sport & Well-being

The sea away from the noise

Canoeing and kayaking allow you to discover the beauty of the landscape, and enjoy an amazing experience of the sea in the great outdoors.

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