Specchio di Venere (Mirror of Venus)

Specchio di Venere (Mirror of Venus) Specchio di Venere (Mirror of Venus)
A turquoise-green body of water nestled in the extinct crater of a volcano.

The Specchio di Venere (Mirror of Venus) – even its name sounds enchanting – is a feast for the eyes and a haven of physical well-being: an unmissable destination on the island.

A small and delightful lake of thermal water, its depths are rich in thermal mud, a panacea recommended in all wellness programmes, complementing the unmissable ritual that takes place here.

Its southern shore is dotted with thermal springs, which warm the waters of the lake and make them rich in sulphur.

Pampering your body at the Specchio di Venere involves a series of predefined steps: after soaking in the warm, restorative waters, you can cover your body in mud and relax, letting it dry in the sun – as the “uomini di argilla” (clay men) who come here do – before plunging back into the thermal waters to remove the clayey residues and feel your skin breathe.

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