Holidays With Pets - West of Sicily

Holidays With Pets

Your 4-legged friends can come with you.


The west of Sicily is a great place to enjoy a pet-friendly holiday, thanks to the many places to visit, paths to follow and open spaces in which to spend time with your four-legged friends.

Given the high summer temperatures in Sicily, we recommend visiting in spring or autumn; that way, you’ll also have the beaches all to yourself and your four-legged friend.

  • Take a stroll to the Saline di Trapani e Paceco (salt pans)
  • Take the pet-friendly cable car (with a muzzle) towards Erice, to the Giardino del Balio
  • Go for a run in the Lake Preola and Gorghi Tondi nature reserve in Mazara del Vallo
  • Visit the Giardini A. Messina in Custonaci before taking a walk to Cala Bukutu